Monday, July 7, 2014


Well with our cat dying Sunday as he slept, he was almost 20 years old and had diabetes for the past 6+ years. Late Sunday morning my OH and I brought him to the pet cemetery in a box he loved to lay in. We had cremated on Tuesday, and buried in ashes on Wednesday. Thursday I went back to the cemetery on Thursday to order the granite grave marker. So naturally, as you’ve probably surmised, my writing this week took a back seat to all these emotionally draining events.

Even so I still managed to get a few things accomplished.

As for my other going projects, I’ve finished searching for the word “THAT” as part of my self-editing of His Darkest Secret. Since last week I reduced the total number of this word by another 116, reducing the total number of times it’s used down to 69 from the original 375. The total number of words has increased slightly to 77,075.

I also really need to get back into the routine of writing something each day for my YA Urban Fantasy, The Secret of the Well, by the middle of August. Right now I set to begin writing about the second cycle of three which the ancient prophecy mentions.

My Haiku anthology now stands at 56 or 14.0% completed. I’m constantly searching for sites where I can find Haiku prompts. Once I search 100 Haikus written, I’m going to try to sort them into categories.
I’ve completed the simple portion of the self-editing process for my Flash Fiction anthology by using SpellCheck/GrammarCheck. Next week I’m going to start a detailed review of each of the 100 Flash Fictions I’ve written, making sure there’s no issue regarding the contents; i.e. there’s logically no problems.


  1. I am sorry about your cat, Robin. Somehow I have always found writing to be my greatest healer in times of grief. Brigid was the goddess of poetry and healing (among other things). That can't have been a coincidence.

  2. So sorry to hear about your cat as well, Robin.
