Wednesday, December 30, 2015


The year had begun very promising. My dear OH retired at the end of last year and I had looked forward to us doing a lot of stuff together once winter would end. I had so hoped to have finished my two WIPs; a Contemporary Romance which would have been my first romance novel but had been put aside because of my inability to finish writing it due to my never being satisfied enough to get it published despite numerous re-writes. This endeavor is now about 85% - 90% complete and has a new working from what I’d originally planned; it is now called “His Darkest Secret.”

With my first romance novel, a MG/YA Paranormal, “I Kissed a Ghost” receiving decent reviews [currently 4.1 stars from 24 reviews] I wanted to branch out and write a MG/YA Urban Fantasy novella. By the time I wrote three chapters, I received a review in which the reviewer hoped there would be a sequel. This caused me to totally rewrite the first chapter. This WIP is also about the same percentage of completion and has a working title of “The Secret of the Well.”

Unfortunately in March of this year my dear OH took ill and got hospitalized until the end of April, followed by several weeks in REHAB; came home for two months then broke a hip needing a partial hip replacement followed by more REHAB, and coming home in the beginning of September and is now FINALLY on the mend with the home attendant we’ve constantly have to aid with whatever needs to be done.

With all this going on, it’s no wonder I haven’t made any progress with my writing endeavors. It’s a good thing I decided to become a Book Reviewer last August, as it has been a way of escaping, at least for a while, all the negativity I’ve had to deal with this year in my life.  Right now I’ve got 227 reviews on Amazon, with 163 of them being done this year; I’ve got an approval rating of 96% for my reviews, with an Amazon ranking of 5,625. If anyone is interested in checking out my reviews here is the link:

With everything beginning to fall into place with our lives I’ve decided to step out of my comfort zone and write a GLBT erotic novelette which currently has no working title.

In the coming year I’m looking to expand the topics I currently have on my blogs, which for the most part have been limited to my book reviews and status reports. I’m looking at possibly doing some interviews, going back to writing Flash Fictions, etc. I’ve self-published an anthology of 100 of my Flash Fictions. If you’re interested in checking out my two books, here’s a direct link:

I’d love to hear from my dear followers.  THANKS for being here. Here’s wishing everyone to have a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR with your families. !!!  :-)  :-)  :-)

SEE YOU NEXT YEAR  !!!  :-D  :-D  :-D


Robin Leigh Morgan

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