Friday, August 5, 2016


As I wrote in my delayed posting of my Status Report #85 yesterday instead of reviewing any books, etc., I had decided to concentrate all my efforts I needed/wanted to read/review, it was I decided to all my efforts in completing a re-read/editing/revision of the first of WIPs which has remained dormant since my dear OH had gone into the hospital in March 2015.

Yesterday I had mentioned the stats for my WIP manuscript up to that point: a total of 200 pages in 29 chapters with a total of approximately 50,500 words. I also said I anticipate needing an additional 4/5 chapters and about 8,500 words to able to type that elusive final period of my manuscript. Well I was wrong.

As I mulled over what to write next I began to vaguely remember I had already written several more chapters with those additional words. As you might expect with this thought running through those little grey cells of my mind I began to search high/low for this. When I had begun to give up hope of finding it, I found one of those small external drives you can store your files on, around lunchtime two days ago, dusty at the bottom of a two-drawer file cabinet I hadn’t looked at for as long as I hadn’t looked at this manuscript.

I’ve spent the time since slowly going over these found pages just like I’ve already done with the rest of this manuscript; and by the time I had finished late last night, I had about what I had anticipated I would need to type that elusive final period, in fact I added about 8,700 additional words, 6 additional chapter with 32 additional pages. My intuition proved to be correct in regards to this; however it is now that I will need those same additional 4/5 chapters and about 8,500 words to able to type that elusive final period of my manuscript.

So once again I anticipate I will be complete this manuscript by the end of this month. In the meantime it’s back to my old routine of reading/reviewing of books and the usual other postings I do. Now I’m off to start doing the other things I needed to do in my last report.

THANKS for those supportive private messages I keep getting from you “guys”, I truly appreciate them.


Robin Leigh Morgan  :-D :-D :-D

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