Tuesday, October 18, 2016


Being a child of the 1950’s whenever a mother had a question regarding the raising of their children the book they would ultimately turn to would always be “Baby and Child Care” by Dr.  Benjamin McLane Spock. The book helped mothers raised their children from infancy to toddlers to school age kids to adolescents.

There was almost no topic the book didn’t have some sort of answer for. The book also helped parents to better comprehend their children’s needs and behavioral issues, as well as the child’s place in the overall dynamics of the family.

My dear OH and I have no children, instead for the past, almost 23 years we’ve had “fur children” better known as our cats. While I knew the simple basics regarding cats and their behavior since I had them for about 12 years before getting married, this book has gone into far greater detail and has gone into areas I had no idea as how to handle.

I received an ARC [Advance Reader’s Copy – uncorrected proof copy] through a giveaway the publisher had on GoodReads and this review is my honest opinion.

In reading this book I found it quite well organized in a logical progression which mirrors a cat’s live from being a small kitten to that of being a senior citizen cat. This is a book we wish I and we had when we adopted our cute bundle of fur.

Each chapter of the book has a question being raised and the followed by the author’s answer, which has been thoughtfully broken down into segments so the reader can better comprehend the solution being offered.

Ms. Pam Johnson-Bennett in this book has done for cat lovers and their “fur children” what Dr. Spock had done for mothers and their real children; which is why I’m not hesitating in giving this book 5 STARS.

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